Counter Culture T-shirts and Apparel is a movement. A movement birthed out of faith, purpose, and inspiration (inspired by Pastor Rick Warren and his Daily Hope Ministry). It is a tangible and purposeful ministry and business attempting to share the hope and truth of Jesus Christ to all Men and Women, in modern and contemporary ways. As our world and it's billions of souls, continue to head down divisive and unprecedented destructive paths, knowingly or unknowingly, it is my wish and hope that a common ordinary piece of clothing or gear be a start to a new conversation, a new way of thinking and, ultimately, a new way to live, transformed by truth (God's WORD) and being heavenly-minded.
The Counter Culture Apparel brand is a Translator, a Testimony and a sounding Trumpet of God's Word and Truth...Where men and women can WEAR THEIR FAITH, SHARE THEIR HOPE AND REACH THEIR WORLD.